Black’s Law Dictionary, Deluxe unabridged 10th edition, 2014

Black’s Law Dictionary, Deluxe unabridged 10th edition, 2014

(Thomson Reuters, Deluxe unabridged 10th edition, 2014)

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The most authoritative, comprehensive law dictionary ever published, Black’s is thought to be the world’s most-cited lawbook. For more than a century, Black’s has been the gold standard for the language of law.

The tenth edition, containing over 57,000 terms, was prepared by Bryan A. Garner, the world’s foremost legal lexicographer, and his team at LawProse. He and his colleagues have re-researched and rewritten the entire book through four editions with the help of a distinguished panel of 200+ critical readers.  This edition includes 7,500 more terms than the 9th edition and 15,000 more terms than the 8th edition. Black’s offers nearly 3,000 quotations drawn from sources over five centuries, plus a table of legal abbreviations, and the most exhaustive collection of legal maxims in print.

This book is the definitive legal resource for lawyers, law students, and others with an interest in the law alike. Black’s is known for its clear and precise legal definitions, substantive accuracy, and stylistic clarity.

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