Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: Language-Change Index.

Language-Change Index. The third edition of Garner's Modern American Usage reflects several new practices. Invariably inferior forms, for example, are now marked with asterisks preceding the term or phrase, a marking common in linguistics. The most interesting new feature is the Language-Change Index. Its purpose is to measure how widely accepted various linguistic innovations have become. Such a measuring system for usage guides was first proposed by Louis G. Heller and James Macris in 1967. They noted that "usage specialists can make a clear-cut demarcation of phases in the evolutionary process relevant to the inception and development of alternative terms." In these tips, the five stages are tagged as: Stage 1 ("rejected"): A new form emerges as an innovation (or a dialectal form persists) among a small minority of the language community, perhaps displacing a traditional usage (e.g.: *"conundra" for "conundrums"). Stage 2 ("widely shunned"): The form spreads to a significant fraction of the language community but remains unacceptable in standard usage (e.g.: "phenomena" as a singular). Stage 3 ("widespread but . . ."): The form becomes commonplace even among many well-educated people but is still avoided in careful usage (e.g.: *"chaise lounge" for "chaise longue"). Stage 4 ("ubiquitous but . . ."): The form becomes virtually universal but is opposed on cogent grounds by a few linguistic stalwarts (die-hard snoots) (e.g.: "quality" as an adjective meaning "of high quality"). Stage 5 ("fully accepted"): The form is universally accepted (not counting pseudo-snoot eccentrics) (e.g.: "viewpoint" for "point of view"). *Invariably inferior forms. ——————– Quotation of the Day: "In the past our culture's body of common knowledge — its frame of reference, its possibility of comprehensible allusion — changed slowly and superficially; the amount added to it or taken away from it in any ten years was surprisingly small. Now in any ten years a surprisingly large proportion of the whole is replaced." Randall Jarrell, A Sad Heart at the Supermarket 74 (1962).
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