The Writing Process: How to be Efficient & Productive

The Writing Process: How to be Efficient & Productive - Self-Paced Online Seminars - LawProse

Too much writing instruction focuses exclusively on the end product while virtually ignoring the creative and organizational process by which that product comes into being. Many hours of an attorney’s time are wasted (translating into wasted billable hours) on settling down to begin a writing project. Some writers have their groove that they get into when they dive into the writing process. But for most writers, the prospect of sitting down to begin a brief or a motion is filled with anxiety. The majority of attorneys fall into two major categories: (1) those who feel anxious about beginning a writing project and save much of the work until the last minute, making it difficult to get enough editing time into the project, and (2) those who go to a brief bank, pull out a prepared form and just fill in the blanks, producing impersonal and bland writing that is, frequently, not persuasive.

Bryan Garner aims to help both types of writers. By teaching an effective and efficient process method to beginning the writing process for a large or small project, Professor Garner settles down the anxious writer into a routine that will help get all of his or her thoughts down onto a page and also help craft a document worthy of filing. This writing routine will also draw the form-filler attorney out of his or her shell to start crafting documents personal to the case and learn the process of developing documents to be proud of.

Seminar Specifications

Seminar Length

60 minutes (total video length)

License Window

30 days from date of license purchase.

Production Date

January 19, 2011; Full review: November 30, 2020

Live, interactive function

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Seminar Format

Print out Course Material (PDF).
Begin the seminar video.

Seminar Content Tree
(seminar module)

  • Directions
  • Course Material (PDF)
  • PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
  • TWP Part 1 (video)
  • First Quiz
  • TWP Part 2 (video)
  • Second Quiz
  • TWP Part 3 (video)
  • Final Quiz
  • Code Word

CLE State Approvals


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If you’re seeking credit elsewhere, please take the certificate of attendance from the program to use as part of your application for credit to your state bar. Please check with your state bar to see whether web seminars qualify.

Want more focused training on specific legal-writing skills? Professor Bryan A. Garner has created over 40 hours here for you. Learn the skills of legal writing and take the mystery out of the art.

Discounts & Watching as a Group

Discounts are available as additional-viewer licenses. These are for groups simultaneously viewing a self-paced online seminar using one computer connection. When one participant pays the full list price, each additional viewer pays for an additional-viewer license—again, if all registrants view on one screen together. You can register your group by calling LawProse at 214-691-8588 or emailing or directly on our e-learning site.

Please note that the list price is for the purchase of a primary-viewer license (an individual license for a single viewing by a single viewer). You may purchase additional additional-viewer licenses that are priced at a discounted tuition rate on our e-learning site or contacting us at 214-691-8588. We ask for your cooperation in protecting our intellectual-property rights. We’re happy to help direct you to any particular course topic you’re looking for, to discuss group pricing, and to answer any other questions you may have.

Please see our FAQs on Self-Paced Online Seminars.

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