10 Commandments for Speed & Quality in Legal Writing

10 Commandments for Speed & Quality in Legal Writing - Self-Paced Online Seminars - LawProse

Are you a slow writer? Would you like to become more efficient—and produce better, clearer work? At this seminar you’ll learn to set a schedule for each of the phases of a writing project—and stick to it. Let Professor Garner—one of today’s most prolific legal writers—show you the techniques that turned him from a slow, plodding writer into a highly productive one. Justice Antonin Scalia told the Dallas Morning News: “I cannot imagine how he manages to write and edit all the books he does—and all of them first-rate” (4-26-15). He also writes and edits briefs regularly. Professor Garner will show you how to make the most of your talents—in a highly rational way. Prepare yourself to become industrious. Here you’ll learn how.

Seminar Specifications

Seminar Length

Three separate seminar sessions:

  • Session 1: 60 minutes
  • Session 2: 60 minutes
  • Session 3: 60 minutes

Total three-session series length: 180 minutes (3 hours)

License Window

30 days from date of license purchase.

Production Date

October 29, 2018; Full review: November 30, 2020

Live, interactive function

Call or email us with questions at LawProse

Seminar Format

Print out course materials PDF.
Begin the seminar video.

Seminar Content Tree
(seminar module)

Each session is a separate seminar module

10 Commandments for Speed & Quality in Legal Writing Session 1

  • Course Materials (PDF)
  • Session 1: Prewriting (Madman & Architect) Video

10 Commandments for Speed & Quality in Legal Writing Session 2

  • Course Materials (PDF)
  • Session 2: Writing (Carpenter) Video

10 Commandments for Speed & Quality in Legal Writing Session 3

  • Course Materials (PDF)
  • Session 3: Revising (Judge) Video

CLE State Approvals


Please send your California Bar number, seminar-completion date, seminar name, and code word to info@lawprose.org to receive a California CLE Certificate from LawProse.


Please send your Texas Bar number, seminar-completion date, seminar name, and code word to info@lawprose.org. LawProse will report your CLE credit directly to the Texas Bar.

LawProse Policy on CLE Credit

Please check with your state bar to see whether web seminars qualify.

We are accredited CLE providers for online training in California and Texas.

Texas credit: Email your name, Texas Bar number, seminar name, and the date of completion to info@lawprose.org. We’ll report your credit within the next five days.

California certificate: Email your name, California Bar number, seminar name, and the date of completion to info@lawprose.org. We’ll send you a California CLE Certificate for your self-reporting records within the next five days.

If you’re seeking credit elsewhere, please take the certificate of attendance from the program to use as part of your application for credit to your state bar. Please check with your state bar to see whether web seminars qualify.

Want more focused training on specific legal-writing skills? Professor Bryan A. Garner has created over 40 hours here for you. Learn the skills of legal writing and take the mystery out of the art.

Discounts & Watching as a Group

Discounts are available as additional-viewer licenses. These are for groups simultaneously viewing a self-paced online seminar using one computer connection. When one participant pays the full list price, each additional viewer pays for an additional-viewer license—again, if all registrants view on one screen together. You can register your group by calling LawProse at 214-691-8588 or emailing info@lawprose.org or directly on our e-learning site.

Please note that the list price is for the purchase of a primary-viewer license (an individual license for a single viewing by a single viewer). You may purchase additional additional-viewer licenses that are priced at a discounted tuition rate on our e-learning site or contacting us at 214-691-8588. We ask for your cooperation in protecting our intellectual-property rights. We’re happy to help direct you to any particular course topic you’re looking for, to discuss group pricing, and to answer any other questions you may have.

Please see our FAQs on Self-Paced Online Seminars.

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