Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: unwieldy.
“Unwieldy,” an adjective meaning “difficult to handle” {unwieldy packages}, often seems to be mistaken for an adverb ending in “-ly” — e.g.:
o “And it doesn’t require an unwieldly [read ‘unwieldy’], lengthy tournament to improve the situation.” Mark Kiszla, “Nittany Lions Left with Whine, Roses,” Denver Post, 3 Jan. 1995, at C1.
o “The Riedel Sommelier Vintage Champagne, a 10-inch-tall tulip glass ($49.95), was unwieldly [read ‘unwieldy’].” Suzanne Hamlin, “A Tall Glass Makes the Best of Bubbles,” N.Y. Times, 25 Dec. 1996, at C5.
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Quotation of the Day: “The lead of an article must catch the reader’s interest. The body of your article must build from the lead and give the reader all the facts the lead promises. To do this the body of your article must be strong and full of useful facts.” Tyler G. Hicks, Successful Technical Writing 76 (1959).