“Seraph” (/SER-uhf/), referring to a six-winged angel, has two plurals: a Hebrew one (“seraphim”) and a native English one (“seraphs”). “Seraphim” is about six times as common in print, and it sometimes even appears alongside the anglicized plural for “cherub” — e.g.: “Her ‘Angels’ is a similar exposition, where the angelic hierarchy (angels, seraphim, and cherubs) is displayed in the bright upper part of the painting.” Sylvia Krissoff, “Show Covers Opposite Ends of Spectrum,” Grand Rapids Press, 14 Dec. 1997, at B5.
The double plural *"seraphims" is erroneous — e.g.: “Dolly Epstein, who says she has collected more than 100 angels since 1991, began collecting seraphims [read ‘seraphim’ or ‘seraphs’] two years ago.” Carmen Duarte, “Customers at Angelic Gift Shop Get Spiritual Lift with Purchases,” Ariz. Daily Star, 9 Sept. 1998, at E6.
Language-Change Index — *"seraphims" for “seraphim” or “seraphs”: Stage 1.
*Invariably inferior forms.
Quotation of the Day: “Clutter words . . . divert attention and impede understanding. They represent separate ideas the reader must absorb before he gets to the main idea. It may not take him very long to do so, but the effect is cumulative. Clutter words brake reading speed and reduce impact.” Ernst Jacobi, Writing at Work: Dos, Don’ts, and How Tos 87 (1976).