Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: Denizen Labels (2).
Denizen Labels (2).
Today: U.S. States and Cities.
The preferred names for residents of some places are not immediately obvious. Listed below are some of those terms that are associated with U.S. states and cities. USGPO refers to the U.S. Government Printing Office Manual of Style.
Arkansas: Arkansan, Arkansawyer, Arkie. Connecticut: Nutmegger, Connecticuter (USGPO). Delaware: Delawarean. Illinois: Illinoisan /il-uh-NOY-uhn/ (pref. not Illinoisian). Indiana: Hoosier, Indianan, Indianian. Iowa: Iowan, Iowegian. Massachusetts: Bay Stater (by state law), Massachusettsan (USGPO). Michigan: Michigander (by popular consensus), Michiganian (official), Michiganite (USGPO, but rare). New Jersey: New Jerseyan, New Jerseyite (USGPO). North Carolina: North Carolinian, Tarheel. Oklahoma: Oklahoman, Okie. Tennessee: Tennessean, Tennesseean. Utah: Utahn (preferred), Utahan. Wyoming: Wyomingite.
Annapolis: Annapolitan. Baltimore: Baltimorean. Buffalo: Buffalonian. Cambridge: Cantabrigian. Canton, Ohio: Cantonian. Corpus Christi: Corpus Christian. District of Columbia: Washingtonian. Grand Rapids: Grand Rapidian. Hanover, Pa.: Hanoverian. Harrisburg: Harrisburger. Independence, Mo.: Independent. Indianapolis: Indianapolitan. Knoxville: Knoxvillian. Las Cruces: Crucen. Las Vegas: Las Vegan. Lawrence, Kan.: Lawrentian. Lawrence, Mass.: Lawrencian. Lebanon, Pa.: Lebanonian. Los Angeles: Angeleno, Los Angelean. Louisville: Louisvillian. Madison: Madisonian. Memphis: Memphian. Minneapolis: Minneapolitan. Newark: Newarker. Omaha: Omahan. Phoenix: Phoenician. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgher. Pontiac: Pontiacker. Providence: Providentian. Saginaw: Saginawian. Santa Fe: Santa Fean. Saratoga Springs: Saratogian. Saugus: Saugonian. Sault Sainte Marie: Sooite. St. Paul: St. Paulite. Taos: Taoseno. Troy: Trojan. Wilkes-Barre: Wilkes-Barrean.
Next: Foreign Countries and Cities.
Quotation of the Day: “Good writers are sticklers for continuity. They won’t let themselves write a sentence that isn’t clearly connected to the ones immediately preceding and following it. They want their prose to flow, and they know this is the only way to achieve that beautiful effect.” John R. Trimble, Writing with Style 45 (2d ed. 2000).