What do I need to participate in the seminar?

The main thing you need is your coursebook. It is a required text.

The hardcopy coursebook is a required text for participating in the seminar. Professor Garner works heavily from the book during the class. If you don’t have it with you, you will be lost from the beginning. Writing exercises and other exercises require you to work in the book.

There will be a sticky note on the coursebook’s cover that reminds you to have the book with you for the seminar. To put it simply: no book, no seminar. We make this point in seminar-related emails hoping to avoid the morning-of panic of participants not having their books and being lost from the beginning of the class.

Other items to have ready for the seminar:

  • A computer with an internet connection suitable for viewing streaming video. 
  • Speakers or headphones so that you can hear the lecture. (If you have trouble with the audio link, you may need your phone to use as your speaker.)
  • A pen or pencil.
  • A writing surface.
  • A notepad for your writing exercises.

Strongly Encouraged:

A couple of memos, motions, or briefs to look at when Professor Garner prompts you. You don’t have any of these? What about an essay you’ve written? An article? Those might work as well. 

LawProse Team’s Suggestions:

  • Highlighter. 
  • Sticky notes and tabs. 
  • Drinks and snacks. 
  • Your sense of humor. 
  • More snacks. 

When do I get my coursebook?

Thirteen business days before your seminar, you’ll receive an address-verification email asking you to verify your shipping address for your coursebook. We’ll supply the address we have on file from your registration and ask you correct or confirm the address. If you’d like to change this, please respond to the email ASAP so we can ensure the book is shipped to the best address for you.

If we ship the book to the address provided in your registration and you it is the wrong/old address for you and you did not provide corrected information in a timely response to the address-verification email, there is a $350 fee to get a new coursebook out to you to the corrected address while we try and retrieve the other book. Unfortunately, refunds or switching to self-paced seminars are not options if the coursebook was shipped to the address provided in your registration and it is a(n) wrong/old address for you and you choose to not pay the book-replacement fee.

The hardcopy coursebook is a required text for participating in the seminar. Professor Garner works heavily from the book during the class. If you don’t have it with you, you will be lost from the beginning. Writing exercises and other exercises require you to work in the book.

Coursebooks start shipping out later that week of the address-verification email. We’ll link your email address to the FedEx delivery notices and also send you an email with the FedEx details. If your book is going out by USPS, we’ll send you the Priority Mail tracking information.

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