The Winning Oral Argument (half-day)

The Winning Oral Argument (half-day)

The perfect companion to The Winning Brief, this seminar concentrates on the nuts-and-bolts of oral advocacy.

The seminar emphasizes the techniques used by first-rate judicial writers. Participants learn:

  • How to prepare yourself for effective public speaking.
  • How to prepare your argument before you get into court.
  • How to present your case once you’re in court.
  • Why questioning from judges gives you your best opportunity for persuading the court.
  • How to use rebuttal time most effectively.

The textbook draws on “enduring principles” of advocacy from Aristotle’s Rhetoric to contemporary courtroom giants. It relies extensively on Garner’s one-on-one interviews with some of the finest judicial minds of our generation about what does and does not work for the advocates who come before them.

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