FAQ Icon Boxes
Questions about our Seminars.
[icon_boxes type="faq"]
All of the Icon Box Options, Large Bar
All of the Box Icons Options
[icon_boxes elements="public-seminars, live-online-seminars, on-demand-courses, public-seminars-faqs, live-online-seminars-faqs, on-demand-courses-faqs, step-by-step, register, calendar, brochures, seminar-listing-pdf, do-i-need, garners-usage-tip, lawprose-lessons, update-email, email, phone" title="All of the Box Icons Options" background="yes"]
All of the Icon Box Options, Small Bar
[icon_boxes elements="public-seminars, live-online-seminars, on-demand-courses, public-seminars-faqs, live-online-seminars-faqs, on-demand-courses-faqs, step-by-step, register, calendar, brochures, seminar-listing-pdf, do-i-need, garners-usage-tip, lawprose-lessons, update-email, email, phone" table_size="small-bar"]
Large Icon Boxes, with a Title and a Background
Register for Our Public Seminars
[icon_boxes elements="register, calendar, brochures, step-by-step" title="Register for Our Public Seminars" background="yes"]
These are the options for the different boxes in the Box Icon shortcode:
- public-seminars
- live-online-seminars
- on-demand-courses
- public-seminars-faqs
- live-online-seminars-faqs
- on-demand-courses-faqs
- step-by-step
- register
- calendar
- brochures
- seminar-listing-pdf
- do-i-need
- garners-usage-tip
- lawprose-lessons
- update-email
- phone
The above example had the dark background image behind it. To do this, the declaration on background=”yes” must be used. If it is left blank (as in the examples below) or has anything else listed, there will not be a background used.
For the large icons, you can add a declaration of table_size=”large-bar” or just leave that out as in the example above. To make the smaller Box icons, you would simply add the declaration table_size=”small-bar” as in the following example:
Small Icon Boxes, with a Title
Register for Our Public Seminars
[icon_boxes elements="on-demand-courses, on-demand-courses-faqs, do-i-need, seminar-listing-pdf" title="Register for Our Public Seminars" table_size="small-bar"]
You can leave the declaration of title=”enter title here…” or leave that blank. No title would appear as in the example below:
Small Icon Boxes
[icon_boxes elements="live-online-seminars, live-online-seminars-faqs, public-seminars, public-seminars-faqs" table_size="small-bar"]
Join Our Email Lists
Garner's Usage Tip of the Day
If you’re concerned with writing and editing, Garner’s Modern English Usage will prove invaluable to you.
Bryan A. Garner’s Garner’s Modern English Usage is now available on your mobile device. This extraordinary reference tool contains over 8,000 entries and essays that reflect usage lexicography at its finest. Designed with the mobile user in mind, the GMEU mobile app is searchable, eminently navigable, and fully citable.
LawProse Lessons and Email Sign-up
LawProse Lessons
Would you like to keep up with Professor Garner’s teaching? If so, sign up for our LawProse Lessons—emails that can pop up weekly or monthly. If you miss one, check out our block on lawprose.org to catch up. He covers a variety of topics. We encourage you to keep abreast of his offerings.
See past LawProse Lessons here.
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[icon_boxes type="email_large"]