Courses Small Bar

This plugin will be depreciated and added to the plugin: Information Boxes shortcode. All of the functionality is now found in box_icons_10_10_21

Courses Small Bar



This can be found on the individual courses pages Crash Course in Legal Writing. Using this shortcode, it can be placed anywhere on any page. If no slug=”” is used, then the plugin will default to Self-Paced Online Seminars. To dictate which set of Course Category information to use you would type in slug=”INSERT COURSE CATEGORY HERE”: (courses_small_bar slug=”live-online-seminars”). Here is a list of the Course Categories that can be used:

  • In-House Seminars & Trainings – in-house-seminars-trainings
  • In-Person Public Seminar – public-seminars
  • Live Online Seminars – live-online-seminars
  • Self-Paced Online Seminars – on-demand-courses
  • Webinar (Moderated & Live) Courses – webinar-courses

[courses_small_bar slug=”live-online-seminars”]

[courses_small_bar slug="live-online-seminars"]

[courses_small_bar slug=”in-house-seminars-trainings”]

[courses_small_bar slug="in-house-seminars-trainings"]

[courses_small_bar slug=”public-seminars”]

[courses_small_bar slug="public-seminars"]

[courses_small_bar slug=”on-demand-courses”]

[courses_small_bar slug="on-demand-courses"]

[courses_small_bar slug=”webinar-courses”]

[courses_small_bar slug="webinar-courses"]
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