Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: wanton; reckless.
wanton; reckless.
In law, the word “wanton” usually denotes a greater degree of culpability than “reckless” does. A reckless person is generally fully aware of the risks and may even be trying and hoping to avoid harm. A wanton person may be risking no more harm than the reckless person, but he or she is not trying to avoid the harm and is indifferent about whether it results. In criminal law, “wanton” usually connotes malice, but “reckless” does not.
In nonlegal contexts, a reckless person is careless and irresponsible but may not have considered the possible consequences {a reckless skateboard rider}. And a wanton person is one who is sexually unrestrained {a wanton lover}, or acts capriciously, cruelly, or maliciously {a wanton bully}.
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Quotation of the Day: “There is no such thing as a new plot; everything has been told over and over again. The only originality is in the new presentation of the material.” Anne Hamilton, How to Revise Your Own Stories 5 (1946).