Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: type of.
type of.
“Type of,” like “kind of,” “sort of,” and “variety of” — is often used unnecessarily and inelegantly. But when the word “type” does appear, it must have its “of” — which is unfortunately dropped in the following examples. They are typical of the modern American colloquial trend:
o “The Cloister is exquisitely beautiful and fine for a different type person [read ‘type of person’].” Rheta G. Johnson, “Campfires, Swamps Hold Ancient Truths,” Atlanta J.-Const., 24 Mar. 1997, at D1.
o “Councilman Mike Tassin also opposed the project, saying this type person [read ‘type of person’] does not match others already in the area.” Adrian Angelette, “Rodeo Bar Development Reined In,” Advocate (Baton Rouge), 25 Mar. 1997, at B1.
Language-Change Index — *”type person” for “type of person”: Stage 3.
*Invariably inferior form.
For information about the Language-Change Index click here.
Quotation of the Day: “You cannot say exactly the same thing in two different ways. Slightly alter the expression, and you slightly alter the idea.” Arnold Bennett, Literary Taste (1909), in Classics in Composition 200, 201 (Donald E. Hayden ed., 1969).