Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: series.
Though serving as a plural when the need arises, “series” is ordinarily a singular {the series is quite popular}. But it is also a noun of multitude, so that phrases such as “a series of things” take a plural verb — e.g.:
o “A series of motivational meetings were held in the early evening.” Joanna Schmitcke, “Lifetime of Wrestling Pays Off,” Sacramento Bee, 2 Feb. 1997, at N6.
o “Even in Japan there have been a series of failures.” Neil Bennett, “City Comment: Brown Sets the Alarm Bells Ringing,” Daily Telegraph, 25 May 1997, at 2.
“Series” keeps the same form in the plural. The form *"serieses" is an archaic plural that still occasionally appears — e.g.:
o “The Braves have posted an unfathomable 6-0 mark at Busch this year, winning three-game serieses [read ‘series’] in April and July.” Dave Reynolds, “Stopping Braves a Breeze at Busch?” Peoria J. Star, 12 Oct. 1996, at D1.
o “She’s led the Cowgirls to nine conference titles and five Women’s College World Serieses [read ‘Series’].” Berry Tramel, “Softball Needs New Identity,” Daily Oklahoman, 9 May 1997, at 27.
Language-Change Index — *"serieses" as plural of “series”: Stage 1.
*Invariably inferior forms.
Quotation of the Day: “If we are to express ourselves, our variety of thoughts and feelings, on a variety of subjects with inevitable rightness, we must adapt our manner to the moment with infinite variations.” T.S. Eliot, “‘Rhetoric’ and Poetic Drama,” in The Sacred Wood 78, 80 (7th ed. 1950).