Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: schism.
“Schism” (= division, separation) is now almost always used figuratively — e.g.:
o “But then the remaining members of the family arrive, and with them the signs of schism.” David Delman, “Crime Reveals Underside of Happy American Family,” Times Union (Albany), 4 Apr. 1995, at C2.
o “The issue has also created a schism within the Orange County agency, which bears the greatest responsibility for child protection.” Matt Lait, “Policy Lets O.C. Agency Ignore Some Sex Crimes,” L.A. Times, 6 Sept. 1996, at A1.
o “Confronting the schism between Blacks and Koreans, two women are discovering a recipe for friendship and healing in a two-bedroom West Hollywood apartment where the aromas of kimchee and corn bread mingle in the air.” Helie Lee & Stephanie Covington, “Kimchee and Corn Bread,” Essence, Apr. 1997, at 94.
Pronunciation experts have long agreed that the word is pronounced /SIZ-uhm/, not /SKIZ-uhm/ or /SHIZ-uhm/.
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Quotation of the Day: “By using a natural, unaffected, straightforward type of speech, including vocabulary, grammar, intonation, and features of stress, you can generally reach all with whom you come in contact, offend no one, either by grossness or over-refinement, and make yourself perfectly understood.” Mario Pei, Language for Everybody 301 (1956).