Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: Miscellaneous Entries.
Miscellaneous Entries.
introductory should never be used in the phrase “be introductory of” (something); one should instead write “introduce” — e.g.: “This first section is introductory of [read “introduces”] some of the tenets that constitute part of that framework.” As a noun, “introductory” sometimes serves as a chapter title, but it is inferior to “introduction.”
introvert (= one whose interests are inwardly directed for the most part, often tending toward solitude) is the standard spelling. “Intravert” is a variant form.
inundate. So spelled, though it is often misspelled “innundate” — e.g.: “The wave of children produced by baby boomers is now innundating [read ‘inundating’] the schools.” Ralph Jimenez, “Local-Tax Bills Spell R-e-l-i-e-f New Ways,” Boston Globe, 26 Jan. 1997, N.H. Weekly §, at 1.
inure; enure. The first is the standard spelling. “Inure” = (1) to take effect, come into use {the trust money inures to the symphony’s benefit}; or (2) to make accustomed to something unpleasant; habituate {she became inured to the nuisance of her neighbors’ shouting and, after a time, stopped complaining}. The noun is “inurement.”
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Quotation of the Day: “Beauty in writing demands a love of language for its own sake; not, to be sure, to the point of ignoring thought and feeling, for then we get Euphuism or some other empty form, but as a legitimate companion to the idea or emotion that the author wishes to share.” Ellsworth Barnard, English for Everybody 126 (1979).