Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges — an unabridged reading by the authors (Audio CD)

Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges

(West, 2009)

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Two renowned legal minds met one brisk fall afternoon for a spirited and intimate reading of their remarkable, award-winning book.

Hear the wisdom from this book straight from the authors’ mouths. There’s nothing else like it.

What others are saying:

“Real credibility comes with an established reputation for excellence that a lawyer develops over a career. This book helps make the establishment of such a reputation a more achievable goal for all of us.” — Trial

“Deserves the widest possible audience. Read it and reap.”  Arizona Attorney

“If you read this book once, you will consult it frequently.” — Federal Lawyer

“An essential reference tool.” — Judicature

“Scalia and Garner make learning the tricks of the trade a pleasurable experience. They give priceless advice.”  Law Library Journal

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