Garner’s Usage Tip of the Day: shake > shook > shaken (3).
shake > shook > shaken (3).
Today: When *"shaked" May Be Justified.
The weak form (*"shaked") is perhaps justifiable in the facetious reduplicative phrase "shaked and baked" — e.g.:
o “He had shaked and baked, turning the St. Ignatius gym into his personal oven.” E.L. Rogers, “Medina 62, St. Ignatius 61,” Plain Dealer (Cleveland), 12 Dec. 1999, at C15.
o “Missouri quarterback Darius Outlaw scrambled. He passed. He shaked and baked.” Gary Estwick, “Inconsistency Catches Up with QB Outlaw,” Austin Am.-Statesman, 22 Oct. 2000, at D4.
But *"shaked" is probably pointless when it appears alongside other weak verbs, the verb here falling victim to false analogy — e.g.: “He jumped. He skipped. He pointed. He shimmied. He shaked [read ‘shook’].” “Around the NFL,” Cincinnati Enquirer, 9 Sept. 1996, at D5.
*Invariably inferior forms.
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Quotation of the Day: “For whosoever will write well of any matter must labor to expresse that that is perfect, and not to stay, and content himself with the meane.” Roger Ascham, The Scholemaster (1570) (as quoted in Kenneth S. Rothwell, Questions of Rhetoric and Usage 95 (1971)).